Saturday, January 24, 2009

Portland Adventure, Part 3

Thursday, January 22nd, 2009

Last night was full of irony. We decided to go to the Plan B Bar, the first place I went to with Andi last year. The drinks are potent and the people are punk. The ridiculously loud hard rock music caused us to hang out outside with the heat lamps. A man came up in search for relationship advice and we chatted with him for hours. “Keep the child in mind first” we pretty much summed it up, staring at boxes of Plan B at the bar. We ended up being the only three in the bar in addition to the bartender, who I spent about 10 minutes teaching the jaw harp. He was so excited and kept asking for it. Fun times! We parted with our stranger-friend, Lloyd, giving him a therapist directory. Strange night eh?

Hair fun

Why wouldn't someone want to approach us for relationship advice hmmmm?

"It's not rock n roll until you take out the trash..."

And thank you!

This morning I claimed I was going to get up early and run. Ha. Ha. Ha. Instead I rolled out of bed and Andi and I started off to the Oregon Coast. I made her an epic CD for the ride and hitting the mountains the sun disappeared behind clouds for the first time I’ve seen on this entire trip. The mountain roads were a bit scary, with snow still built up around the edges and fallen trees. It was nice that it was not windy at all however… when we stopped on the side of the road next to the beautiful creek that ran along side the road, it was quiet and peaceful. We got to Tillamook, a city near the coast and decided to stop at the Blue Heron French Cheese Company for some wine tasting and the biggest collection of samples I’ve ever seen. It was our dream-stop! Outside they had a practical petting farm with Emus, goats, cows, and even a damned peacock. Just down the road we went to the Tillamook cheese factory where we took the self-guided tour, v-line to the cheese samples. Cheese curds were to die for. After being entranced by the cheese factory manufacturing room, we headed to the Rockaway Beach (Ramones song anyone?). There we dipped our feet into the freezing ocean, played with some driftwood, and took lots of photos. We continued along the coast, stopping at a Pirate Statue and Tsunami relief signs, until we reached Andi’s secret beach, the Hug Cove. There were caves! The sun finally started to set and we decided to grab some pizza at the Cannon Beach (anti-climatically named after a ship that sunk and cannons being discovered along the coast. Andi and I honestly wanted to believe it was a crazy pirate military base). Anywho, rest your eyes on these beauties!

Smokey hills

What the hell?

This is us pre-transformation

What the hell...

That lamb was cute...

Free samples at the Blue Heron

The Tillamook Cheese Factory!

Nearing the coast...

Tsunami rock!

I had to join...

Rockaway Beach

This reminds me of the Hurricane Ike Bear...

This is the tide coming in to my freezing feet

Andi emptying her shoes

Blue skies!


Sun setting on the ocean

'Scenic overlook'... aka heaven

Sun setting on the ocean

Time for gay pirate time!


Hug Cove

Watch for the tide coming in!!

Pesto pizzas at cannon Beach

The drive back started to get very dark and it was quite eerie driving past huge patches of trees cut down for lumber. The sun took forever to set and Andi became the soundtrack on the ride back, singing Everclear. We met up with Chris, Rachael, and Brett later at an English Pub to swap stories about the coast, Brett’s trip to the Inauguration, and a ridiculous barrage of chicken kazoo playing, beer drinking, and improper things.


Andi 'watching' my camera

The $118 tab...yikes

Madness insues! Ensues??

Friday, January 23rd, 2008
Andi and I deemed today our chill out day. We didn’t do much except spew stuff on the internet and bake cookies. I discovered a cool little vintage consignment shop, House of Vintage,off Hawthorne where I got a crazy fuzzy goth shirt.

Veggie sticker art

Cookies for breakfast?

This recipe is deemed the best choc. chip cookie recipe in the bloggersphere

What's up hipster?

The most ecologically friendly hostel I've ever seen

House of Vintage

House of Vintage

We decided to go out around 9pm to a bar nearby called Bon Fire and played pool for a bit, played some jaw harp for people outisde. I guess we were not paying attention but we drank extremely fast within only two hours. We ended up communicating via notecards at that point….

Pool time

Olive Beer!

What... is... the... deal...

I literally stumbled out and we were attracted by a huge crowd of people standing outside this place called The Good Foot. Walking in the walls were covered in art and full of pool tables. Andi ordered a drink to my surprise so I did as well and we found our way to the ‘Smoking Room’ which was an alley converted into a room. I don’t remember much except drawing quail eggs on the wall. I finally told Andi we had to get the hell out of there. We left our drinks and headed back, unable to walk straight. As soon as we got to the apartment I fell to the floor as did Andi, laughing and noting that it wasn’t even midnight yet. We’re not five drink bitches, what the hell happened?

The Good Foot

The Smoking Room

Face of insanity

Saturday, January 24th, 2008 Hung…over. Cookies for breakfast. Still surviving! We've debated what to do today... go hiking in the Columbia Gorge, the Saturday Market, definitely need a better diet than cookies and dipping bread sauce.

Until Next Time... CHEERS TO FRILLS!

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