Saturday, January 17, 2009

Portland Adventure, Part 1

Thursday, January 15th, 2008

The plane ride here was rather entertaining visually. I saw the Rockies and what seemed to be an entire area of snow, like a desert. A snow Desert. On our descent, I could see all three huge mountains I was later informed was Mount Saint Helens, Mount Hood, and Mount Adam. The sky was clear and the weather was beautiful! Andi picked me up and we went to the last remaining snow in Portland (after just weeks previous they had days on out of constant snow, almost record levels). It was in a pile in a Best Buy parking lot. We climbed it.

I was informed about the street names on the Southeast side of town where she lives. The names go in alphabetical order one way and in numerical order perpendicular to that. You can tell exactly how far away cross-streets are with some simple math! Alright, we're on SE 18th and Burnside and we need to get to SE 28th and Pine. 10 blocks plus 14 blocks = 24 blocks.

Later we stopped by Chris’ abode where he lives with Brett,an Oregon native. Upon arrival we were greeted with an army of barking dogs and I was introduced to his little gentleman, Froto. Chris had crazy sideburns and short dark hair, quite similar to how mine, used to be but otherwise was exactly as I remembered. We Pandora'd some 80s music and drank some wine and had his lovely dinner of fish and vegetable medley and rosemary potatoes talking of music and possible things to do while I'm here. We drank Brett's home-brewed Wizard Boots Mayhem beer, which I should have known better. We proceeded to get shit-canned and headed down to some bars, then explored the basement and met the cats and explored the garden. Time goes by extremely slow here. Good times. Andi told me that alcohol in Portland is more potent than Texas and I believe her.

(Us on the roof of her apartment. Crazy jackets!)

Friday, January 16th, 2008
I woke up this morning to the television singing “You’re tired and it’s ok, because you’re my friend.” Giggling proceeded. It’s always nice to wake up to Sesame Street softly playing in the background. Oh to be a kid again. I was very tired but we needed to go to the Katie O’Brien’s bar for$3.99 3 eggs special. The day was beautiful, not a cloud in the sky and(relatively) warm. We arrived and the entire bar was lit up in a strange green aura, from the tinted windows. People were drinking already. SHIT. I had my oatmeal and Andi the special. Across the street we checked out sunglasses at a vintage clothing store then headed to a little park down the road where there were seesaws! And a merry go round.

Sunny weather!

I realized I was quite out of it at the Fred Meyers later when I totally forgot my Visa in the ATM machine. Luckily some guy chased me down to give me the card and I kept awkwardly running into him the rest of the time there. Strange.

Andi had some chores to do so I decided to go running in the park a few blocks away. Nothing there looked phased by the huge snow storm they had a few weeks back – everything was green and beautiful and even the ducks were out and about. I’ve never seen so many bikers and people with dogs in one area. I managed to run about three miles in the relatively cold weather but was very proud of myself.

Andi decided we should go to the Artichoke Music Store a few blocks down from her apartment, so we headed out layered up. Upon our arrival it was suggested that I purchase a harmonica tuned in D from the owner because it was the more popular chord. Andi bought a $1 kazoo and the guy at the front informed us about a kazoo fest in a few weeks. ONLY IN PORTLAND.

We walked down Hawthorne a bit further,stopping at magic shops, this cool dollar store (where we bought musical rubber chickens and stickers), got some pizza and headed back to her neighborhood,playing our obnoxious rubber chicken kazoos and not phasing a soul! We theorized that attention whores should not come to Portland, only those who are naturally a little weird and therefore do not get stared at when doing fun goofy things. A guy we met at the coffee shop even told us that we were some funny girls with funny toys.

(This is the Dollar Scholar owner, making us play with bouncy balls by throwing them at her son. This is where we acquired the Rubber Chickens)

(Metaphysical Art)

What are you grateful for today?)



Andi’s neighborhood is the shit! We were walking down Belmont past little cafes with cuisines from all over the world (Indian, Greek,Ethiopian?), coffee shops, this bar called Cricket where they watch the game,African music stores, and extremely nice and courteous drivers and bikers. It almost seems… too cool. The people here are very chill too, which is very nice.Andi’s friend ‘got it’ when we snuck on his porch and serenaded him with our chickens.

(Funny note at Andi's friend Jess' house)

Right now we’re sitting in her apartment, tired from all our musical instrument playing, and about to head to some bars down the street.

later that night...

More news from nowhere)

(We asked for popcorn and the bartender threw us some. Excellent!)
Note to self, I will not bring out my cell phone anymore. I see no one with a cell phone at the bars probably because there's nothing but rubbish to communicate in such an environment.

Toby: Best drunk-dialing ever!(chicken symphony we played for him)

Saturday, January 17th, 2008

Last night was quite fun however I realized that all the walking and running and lack of sustenance made me an easy drunk. We walked down to Burnside to Beulah Land which was completely crammed packed with hipsters. We ran into the John, guy that worked at Artichoke Music and his lady friend, Maggie where we briefly discussed Nick Cave and the Big Texan Restaurant. We went up the street to the Chayen? The drinks were cheaper, the bartender was fucked up, and there was a jukebox. Andi and I drew on each other, half of which ended up on my face this morning.
This morning I cooked us some eggs with mushrooms, shallots,tomatoes, and topped with some cheese. Andi made us some expresso and we’re slowly waking up, listening to the Eels. God Damn Right It’s A Beautiful Day.

To be continued!

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